Introduction Biotechnology is part of science in which technology is involved in producing or developing biological products; it utilizes biological systems, living organisms, or parts of this to develop or create different products. History of Terminology: Hungarian agriculture engineer Károly Ereky (German: Karl Ereky ; October 20, 1878 – June 17, 1952) was first coined the term Biotechnology in the year 1919 in his book “Biotechnolologie der Flieich-, Fett- und Milcherzeugung in landwirtschaftlichen Grossbetriebe” (Biotechnology of Meat, Fat and Milk Production in an Agricultural Large-Scale Farm); He was regarded as the ‘Father of Biotechnology’. Later American microbiologist Daniel Nathans ( October 30, 1928 – November 16, 1999 ) introduced the methods using enzymes on DNA double helix to profiled out the undiscovered secrets of DNA, in which double helix can be known to the world in future. Thus, addresses as the ‘Father of Modern Biotechnology’ Growth